Saturday, April 24, 2010

Human who has skin like snake?

i've heard about a person who has skin like that of a snake (i.e. scales). I have not seen picture of that person or read of him/her in detail. Do you know if such person exists? I heard that the person can strip their skin layer every few months or so (like a snake) and the skin layer just rebuilds itself with out any pain.

Human who has skin like snake?
Yes it is a real condition it is called ichthyosis which means "fish scales" the doctor thought my son had it when he was young but it was a severe case of exzema.
Reply:Yep it is a real condition called ichthyosis.

If you want to see some photographic eveidence check our Bizarre magazine or their website as they had some photos of a guy who suffers from the disease and lives in China in their last issue.

Beware though, Bizarre is not for the faint hearted so if you are easily offended or grossed out don't look!
Reply:There is a family who live in India. They do have very bad skin problems. It look green layers. More like a snake skin. It was on TV some years ago.
Reply:Helpful Tips for Adults with Acne

Acne is not a malady-affecting teenagers only. Some women never get over their acne problem. For others, acne may reappear at or after menopause. Usually, the two main factors involved are stress and hormones. Although the acne lesions may not be severe, it is distressing for a woman to discover a cystic pimply lump on her chin, which is a common area, involved. The area of the neck just below the jawbone is another commonly affected location. A common form of acne found in mature women and men, is acne rosacea, which annoyingly manifests itself as a rosy complexion together with acne breakouts.

The best approach to tackling the problem of adult acne is to first, consult your dermatologist. The doctor can prescribe an oral antibiotic, which will often help control the problem. You might also be given topical metronidazole which helps control acne rosacea. Resistant cases of adult acne may require a course of low dose Accutane, a powerful acne medication given only to treat severe and resistant acne.

Secondly, you can help your skin by 1) Avoiding harsh products such as those containing a high percentage of alcohol and drying ingredients. Use only very mild soap. 2) By removing your makeup thoroughly each night using a gentle cleansing lotion. 3) By using only products that are tested to be non-comedogenic (will not clog pores). 4) For those with acne rosacea, by avoiding triggers such as certain foods, alcohol, heat, cold or sun exposure. For more rosacea info, please refer to article "Red Face of Rosacea" on this website...

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