Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why we the human had a soft and lovely corner for white skinned human and reverse for black skin?

y do we have love for the white skinned people and had hatred for other color people

Why we the human had a soft and lovely corner for white skinned human and reverse for black skin?
"We" don't, ignorant people do. Color should have no boundaries!
Reply:I guess some people are stupied. With my son it's not the black guy over there or the fat girl in the corner. It's the guy in bluejeans and a yellow shirt or the girl with the flowers on her shirt sitting in the corner. He is old enough to know the differnce in size and color but he knows we all are humans with feelings.

The hatred others carry must be a form of haterd for themselves.
Reply:what a ridiculous question, it's people like you that make racism a problem, it's people like you who keep making it an issue, when in reality most normal decent human beings don't hate black people. Funny how it is never white people that make any issues over the colour of someone skin.


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