Saturday, April 24, 2010

I have a question about the human`s skin?

i heard soon that if someone was thrown to hell

i mean if he was exposed to fire

he will feel pains only because of his skin

i mean that if it became roasted i will not feel any pain

is it true??

can you give me any site proving that ???

I have a question about the human`s skin?
pain is perceived because of the receptors present in the skin.

It is these receptors that carry the pain impulses from the skin to the brain and then the pain is felt. if by any means the skin is ripped off its pain receptors then there will be no pain sensation. the best example to understand is that of a person with 3rd degree burns. in such patients the sense of pain is much lowered because of the destruction of the receptors..

In the quoted ayat of the holy quran Allah (swt) tries to explain that "We will give u a new skin each time u are thrown into the fire so that u may feel the pain each time".Allah has quoted it long before that pain occurs only because of the skin (which science is now trying to prove.)

eventhough i dont remember of the specific site this is from my knowledge that im trying 2 help u understand the ayat.

Allah knows best.

Reply:Common sense will prove it to you! First and second-degree burns hurt, but more often than not, serious third-degree burns do not hurt because the damage has killed the nerves and the victim cannot feel anything.
Reply:This is true, you only feel through your nerve endings found in your skin. One these nerve endings are destroyed, you will no longer have pain signals sent to your brain.

heres a site that mentions pain levels in burn types.
Reply:it is true... and also very interesting


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