Monday, November 16, 2009

What is human skin?

System: Integumentary

Location: All over your body

Physical description: Flat, pliable and tough, between 0.5 and 4mm thick

Function: To protect your body from damage, infection and drying out

Largest organ

Your skin is your largest organ. It covers your entire body and has a surface area of around 2 square metres. Its thickness varies from 0.5mm on your eyelids to 4mm or more on the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet. In total, it accounts for around 16 percent of your body weight.

What is human skin?
Merely wrapping paper.
Reply:living organisms that form together as tissue to protect our sensitive organs from outside elements.
Reply:it is the biggest living organism in or of the human body.
Reply:groups and groups of cells.
Reply:The stretchy stuff that covers our meat and fat.
Reply:It's a layer which protect our body from out sides
Reply:the largest organ of the human body. dead skin attracts other particles (in the air) to form dust.
Reply:That thing you love to scratch so much. Where your acne grows. Where your hairs grow. Without which you will be left bleeding and drying out like raisin under the sun within hours...Yeah...That thing...
Reply:The largest organ of the body.
Reply:An organ that has a really huge number of sensory nerves. It is a near range sensor that can detect the thermal emissions of near by objects and the texture of their surfaces.

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