Saturday, April 24, 2010

How did the the 2 tips of human color skin(black & white)apeared?adam & eva?one was blak & the other white?

my question is about how did several tipes of humans apear.'cause god created 2 people at first:adam and eva but still there are white people who were allways apriciated and black people who at the begining of times were the sclaves of white people . i don't understand why the separation.i wanna know what did god creted,the black ones or the white ones and how did the others apear

How did the the 2 tips of human color skin(black %26amp; white)apeared?adam %26amp; eva?one was blak %26amp; the other white?
No one knows when, where or how human life began on this planet. It's all speculation. Some of the theories are based on scientific evidence, but everyone knows that they are just possible scenarios and full of gaps.

Someone lied to you by saying that "white people were allways apriciated" and that "black people...were the "sclaves" of white people. It just nonsense that racists use to assert that black people are sub-human or animals.

If you believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans ever, and that God created them, and we are all direct descendants, and no other humans can or have ever existed on this planet; then you're basically screwed because nothing in life will ever make sense.

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